Ulqini 2007



A kategori in Ulqin/Ulcinj 200 m from beach300 bed's in hotel and 60 in villigesrestoran, closed pool, sauna, bowling, disco.The Galeb Hotel is built in the very centre of the town, is of modern architecture and luxuriously equipped with the details of the modern hotel keeping. All the rooms are equipped with air conditioners, luxuriously equipped bathrooms, TV set with satellite programme, direct phone and fax lines and a mini bar. Of attached contents the hotel possesses coffee bar, conference hall, summer garden and own car park. Only a few kilometres from the hotel is situated the Galeb Restaurant which is opened round the clock 365 days which offers ample assortment of national specialities with the top level service. The Galeb Hotel is the ideal place for rest, vacation and relaxation and it offers the unforgettable hospitality. Tel:++381 (0)85 81-311


A kategori, Grand Beach544 bed's(284 in hotel 260 in vilages)-restoran,tenis

Tel:++381 (0)85 81-161, 81-755


Villa Burri - Montenegro

Kontaktoni në ket numër telefoni:++32 2 253 75 22
Fjetja per nji person 6 € deri 7 €

Villa Curanovi - Montenegro

Fjetja per nji person 7 €
email: curaniali@hotmail.com

Villa Oaza - Montenegro

Fjetja per nji person 7 €
Kontaktoni në ket numër telefoni: ++381 85 455 297

PLAZHA E MADHE - Montenegro

Plazhi më i madh, si mund të vërehet edhe nga vetë emri, është Plazhi i Madh. Eshtë i gjatë 12,5 km, kurse gjerësia mesatare është 50 m. E quajnë Bostani, sipas bostanit që kultivohet me sukses në afërsi të tij, në fushën e Shtojit, kurse, për shkak të hapësisë tij, adhuruesit e tij e kanë quajtur Kopakabana jugosllave. Shtrihet në drejtimin veriperëndim‑juglindje në një hark të butë prej gjirit të Porto Milenës deri në grykën e Bunës. Nga qendra e qytetit është larg 4 km. Tërë plazhi është i mbuluar me rërë të mrekullueshme ngjyre të zbardhëllemë në të murrmë, me kokrra të mëdha prej 0,1 deri 0,5 mm. Po këtë përbërje e ka edhe fundi i cekëtinave dhe i hapësirës për larje, kështu që larja është kënaqësi e jashtëzakonshme sidomos për personat më të vjetër, kurse për fëjmijët është gëzim i madh. Nja 4 km larg gjirit - kanalit të Milenës në drejtim të grykës së Bunës, para Plazhit të Madh, ngritet prej detit Guri i Gjeranës (Skolj-Krs od Djerana). Ky është krijuar nga lëvizja tektonike o tokës, duke u ndarë nga pjesa tokësore juglindore. Nja 4 km larg gjirit - kanalit të Milenës në drejtim të grykës së Bunës, para Plazhit të Madh, ngritet prej detit Guri i Gjeranës (Skolj-Krs od Djerana). Ky është krijuar nga lëvizja tektonike o tokës, duke u ndarë nga pjesa tokësore juglindore. Prapavija e plazhit të Madh është e mbuluar me pisha, makie, drurë gjithmonë të gjelbër dhe gietherëns. Mu në fillim të këtij plazhi, në sipërfaqen e parkut shumë të bukur, 150 m larg detit, është vendosur kompleksi i hoteleve: "Olimpic, "Grand Lido, Belvi, Lido bungalovi" të Kategorisë "B.


Ulqin (Ulcinj in Montenegrin) is the southernmost town in Montenegro. It lies from the Cape of Mendra in the north to the point where the river Buna flows to the Adriatic. The town covers 20 kilometers in the north-south direction and 25 kilometers in the east-west direction. Its area is 255 squared kilometers.

Ulqin (pronounced Oul-chin) is one of the oldest towns of the Adriatic coast. Illyrian tombs (tumuli), found in the village of Zogaj, in the vincity of Ulqin, date back to the Bronze Age. Ulqin is believed to be founded in the 5th century B.C. by Greek colonists from Colchis. The Colchian colonization is mentioned in the 3rd century B.C., in a poem by Apollonius of Rhodos. Illyrians lived in the region in that time, and under Greek influence built immense so-called Cyclopean Walls.

These walls are the remains of the oldest habitation in today's Old Town, and the oldest structure of its kind in the eastern coast of the Adriatic. Colchinium became Olcinium when the Romans took the town from the Illyrian tribe of Olciniates (Labeat). Ulqin is encountered under that name for the first time in Pliny the Elder, in Naturalis Historia, and is also mentioned by Titus Livius. Under the Romans Ulqin became a municipium - a city with self-government. From this period also remains a wall, distinguished from the Illyrian-Greek wall by its coarser manner of construction.

In the 7th century, after the division of the Roman Empire, Ulqin became part of the province of Prevalis, under the Byzantine Empire. From the 12th to the 14th century, Ulqin was part of the Serbian Empire, a period from which remain several foundations of churches. After the disintegration of the Serbian Empire, the Albanian feudal family of Balshaj and Venice fought over control of the town. The Balshajs were victorious, and the striking Balshaj Tower (Kulla e Balshajve), located in the upper part of the old town, is one of the remains from this period. The Venetians took over the town in 1405 and ruled Ulqin for 150 years. During this period, the town got the urban Venetian stamp of the eastern Adriatic type, with lovely palaces, churches, and squares. Venice protected the town until 1571, when it was captured by the Ottoman Turks. Under the Turks, Ulqin went under another transformation, gaining an oriental appearance. Mosques such as the Pasha Mosque (1719), The Main Mosque (1728), The Mountain Mosque (1783), were built, as were many Turkish baths (hamams). An especially impressive structure is the Clock Tower, built in 1754.

During the years of the Albanian independence movement, the League of Prizren, Ulqin together with Shkodra, became the focus of Albanian resistance to Ottoman, Montenegrin, and west European armies. The Albanian population was caught between the Montenegrin and European powers armies' on one side, which were there to implement the resolution of the Congress of Berlin (1878), which had accorded Ulqin to Montenegro, and the Ottomans, which refused to comply with the decisions. After the resistance movement was supressed, Ulqin, together with the Albanian populated regions of Plav, Guci, Podgorica, Tivar (Bar), Berana (Ivangrad), became part of the Principality of Montenegro in 1880. Albanians still comprise the majority of the population in Ulqin, despite the pressure from the Montenegrin regime.

Ulqin is a major touristic center of Montenegro. The longest beach of Ulqin is, as the name suggests, the Great Beach (Plazhi i Madh ), which is 12.5 kilometers long and an average of 50 meters wide. Behind the beach there are pine woods, maquis, green and deciduous trees. In a park at the beginning of the beach, 150 meters from the sea, is a holiday village comprised of the hotels Olimpic, Grand Lido, Otrant, Belvi, and Lido. The Small Beach (Plazhi i Vog‘l ) and its bay lie between the points of Punta e Nuradinit and Suka. Other A class hotels in Ulqin include Albatross, Mediteran, Galeb, the Palace of Balshaj suites and Palace Venice.


Located in south-eastern Europe the tiny republic of Montenegro has an amazing 300km long coastline with 117 stunning beaches totalling 73 km in length. With its mild Mediterranean climate and about 240 sunny days each year Montenegro is a beach-lover’s paradise. It’s a land blessed by exceptional versatility and colourful contrasts with unmatched natural beauty and centuries of traditions, still visible in the small villages along the coast. All that, combined with some of the finest beaches imaginable, the calm turquoise waters of the Adriatic and the hospitality of the local people make Montenegro the undisputed pearl of Europe. There are some great holiday destinations in Montenegro.

Seaside stone-built towns in a sunny blue bays with lovely beaches of small pebbles and coarse sand, guarded by the lofty peaks of the Montenegrin mountains. Sub-tropical climate with lush flowers and shrubs, olives and mimosas growing in the brilliant sunshine. A trully hospitable and relaxing atmosphere which dappled by the open-air stages, festivals and celebrations make the summer in Budva, Petrovac and Becici an ever lasting moment.

The town is located near the border with Albania on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. The Bojana Ada island is located at Montenegro's border with Albania, and is formed by the Bojana river splitting in two. Ada Bojana is a nudist colony which played host to English, Dutch, and most significantly German tourists in the 70's and 80's until the civil war and the break up of the formar Yugoslavia. Today, Ulcinj is a popular tourist destination for the Kosovo Albanians because Kosovo is land locked, and no visa is needed for Kosovar Albanians to enter Montenegro.

ULQIN - Montenegro

Ulcinj/Ulqin stands at the southernmost end of the Montenegrin coast. The place has been inhabited since prehistoric times and Illyrian tombs, found in the village of Zogaj, in the vicinity of Ulcinj, date back to the Bronze Age. The city was founded in the 5th BC by Greeks from Colchidia and thus named Colchinium. Parts of the cyclopean walls they built remain in the old city but I have not spotted them. When the Roman took the city from the Illyrian tribe of the Olciniates, it became Olcinium. Later, it became successfully part of the Byzantine empire, of the Serbian Empire (12th to 14th), of the Venetian Republic (1405-1571), of the Ottoman Empire (1571-1880) under the name of Olgun. At the end of the 16th, Uluz Ali, vice-king of Algiers and pirate established 400 of its men in Ulcinj that remained for almost a century a pirates' base. In 1880, the town belonged to Montenegro and since 1920 to Yugoslavia. It is now part of the Serbia and Montenegro Federation (Serbia i Crna Gora = SCG).

This photo is not the best but allows understanding how the city developped. The oldest part of the city was destroyed by an earthquake in 1444 and its ruins can be seen underwater. Stari Grad, the new old city, was built by the Byzantines and the Nemacic on Bijela Gora, a high peninsula from where this photo was taken. The city walls were built in the 13th. The city later grew outside of the city walls, along the beach, at the bottom of the bay and thus looks like an amphitheater. Still later, it grew up in the narrow valley at the bottom of the bay (left of the photo) and (not seen on the photo) extended behind those mountains, where is now most of the modern town, that does not face the sea.

While the population of Montenegro is mostly Slavic (mainly Montenegrin and Serbs) and Albanians account for 7% (2003 survey), the population of Ulcinj/Ulqin is 85% Albanian and all road signs are bilingual. Along the centuries, it has assimilated descendants of Barbary Moors from Algeria who were brought here by Turks to defend the town and settled, and Blacks, descendants of the numerous slaves brought here from Africa.

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